PLEASE READ…! <3 **Prior to healing the gut, conduct monthly saliva food sensitivity tests (PM for virtual referral) & make appropriate food substitutions. Continue for 3-4 months, until intolerances are well understood. Experiment with a wide variety of foods during this experimental time to get the most accurate picture. During this phase, begin Rife treatment. One LLND I saw & refer to (US $100/hour, monthly phone call) does saliva/food & rife channels + calls monthly…
- Category: Nutrition & Herbs -
Adequate daily nutrition as well as supplementing with natural herbs and are both vital components of recovery from Lyme and other degenerative illnesses.
High Vibe Lyme Healing
Mela has had a great deal of success helping reverse & heal even late stage Lyme Disease using holistic protocols based on top Lyme ‘Rock Docs’ including Klinghardt, Buhner, Cowden, and Hill (MD for DoTerra Essential Oils) as well as Well Scent medical grade 100% pure organic and wildcrafted oils & blends by fellow Aromatherapist & Lyme-warrior Stacy Shuman. <3
Perils of Lab Testing in Lyme
Lyme Disease testing in humans in notoriously erroneous & thus is perilous to diagnose. The main reason for this is because testing through Elisa, Western Blot, even iGENEx, requires that the pathogens show up in significant amounts via blood. However, in Lyme Disease, the pathogens hide in connective tissues & biofilms, so must be ‘provoked’ to show in the blood. After testing ‘inconclusive’ via Western Blot & iGENEx both, I began herbal treatment of Lyme,…
Detox to Boost Immunity
As soon as diagnosed with Lyme or suspecting Lyme, test genetics via then have your results analyzed via by uploading your raw data. Consult with a gene specialist to correct methylation, then energetically test for custom detox support. While you are awaiting test results, start detox with a footbath & sauna protocol asap. <3

This spirituality & health blog with 'medical mystic' Mela Love focuses on the hidden energetic pathways to healing. Relying on such spiritual & shamanic tools as Usui Reiki, energy healing, soul retrieval, trauma release, metaphysical analysis, ho'oponopono (inner forgiveness work), chakra alignment, inner protection, inner exploration of the 'felt sense', sound healing, art & gratitude journaling, akashic reading, naturopathic herbs & essential oils, the 5 Levels of Healing, & intuition, we clear blocks to uplift healing & vibe!
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Healing with plants, Spirit, & substance… <3