One of the quickest, gentlest, & easiest ways to detox the liver and boost the immune system is by drinking filtered lemon water daily. For gentle liver cleansing, combine the strained juice of 2 organic lemons or lemon essential oil & 3 drops of high-vibe essential oil of peppermint in a half pint caning jar. (high vibration EO = therapeutic medical grade organic or wild-crafted. Drink 1 tbs daily. Drink am & pm + pre/post…

This spirituality & health blog with 'medical mystic' Mela Love focuses on the hidden energetic pathways to healing. Relying on such spiritual & shamanic tools as Usui Reiki, energy healing, soul retrieval, trauma release, metaphysical analysis, ho'oponopono (inner forgiveness work), chakra alignment, inner protection, inner exploration of the 'felt sense', sound healing, art & gratitude journaling, akashic reading, naturopathic herbs & essential oils, the 5 Levels of Healing, & intuition, we clear blocks to uplift healing & vibe!
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Healing with plants, Spirit, & substance… <3