Lyme Disease testing in humans in notoriously erroneous & thus is perilous to diagnose. The main reason for this is because testing through Elisa, Western Blot, even iGENEx, requires that the pathogens show up in significant amounts via blood. However, in Lyme Disease, the pathogens hide in connective tissues & biofilms, so must be ‘provoked’ to show in the blood. After testing ‘inconclusive’ via Western Blot & iGENEx both, I began herbal treatment of Lyme,…
- Author: Mela Love -
Detox to Boost Immunity
As soon as diagnosed with Lyme or suspecting Lyme, test genetics via then have your results analyzed via by uploading your raw data. Consult with a gene specialist to correct methylation, then energetically test for custom detox support. While you are awaiting test results, start detox with a footbath & sauna protocol asap. <3
Gentle Detox Drink
One of the quickest, gentlest, & easiest ways to detox the liver and boost the immune system is by drinking filtered lemon water daily. For gentle liver cleansing, combine the strained juice of 2 organic lemons or lemon essential oil & 3 drops of high-vibe essential oil of peppermint in a half pint caning jar. (high vibration EO = therapeutic medical grade organic or wild-crafted. Drink 1 tbs daily. Drink am & pm + pre/post…
Footbath to Open Detox Channels
There are two footbaths designed specifically for this purpose & proven successful. The two models to consider are the spendy AMD Ion Cleanse Footbath ($4000) or the more thrifty by comparison but Klinghardt designed KI Science Detox Foot Bath. Either of these models has been shown to work in multiple studies, in my practice, & experience.

This spirituality & health blog with 'medical mystic' Mela Love focuses on the hidden energetic pathways to healing. Relying on such spiritual & shamanic tools as Usui Reiki, energy healing, soul retrieval, trauma release, metaphysical analysis, ho'oponopono (inner forgiveness work), chakra alignment, inner protection, inner exploration of the 'felt sense', sound healing, art & gratitude journaling, akashic reading, naturopathic herbs & essential oils, the 5 Levels of Healing, & intuition, we clear blocks to uplift healing & vibe!
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Healing with plants, Spirit, & substance… <3